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  量化宽松政策出台后,投资大师罗杰斯认为伯南克不懂金融,只知道印钱,并说:“给这家伙一部印钞机,他就会用它来印钱,能有多快是多快。”(“Give the guy a printing press,he's going to run it as fast as he can.” 彭博社)


  11月上旬,“佐利克称,应参照金价确定各国汇率,此言论令许多人感到震惊。”(“Robert Zoellick startled many with his suggestion that currency values be determined withreference to gold.” 英《金融时报》)


  11月上旬,“佐利克称,应参照金价确定各国汇率,此言论令许多人感到震惊。”(“Robert Zoellick startled many with his suggestion that currency values be determined withreference to gold.” 英《金融时报》)


  “朱光耀说,美国没有承担起作为全球储备货币发行国的责任。”(“Zhu Guangyao said the U.S. isn't living up to its responsibility as an issuer of a global reserve currency.” 《华尔街日报》)


  “朱光耀说,美国没有承担起作为全球储备货币发行国的责任。”(“Zhu Guangyao said the U.S. isn't living up to its responsibility as an issuer of a global reserve currency.” 《华尔街日报》)


  爱尔兰和葡萄牙陷入债务危机,特里谢称:“欧洲各国需要更团结和更负责”。(“We need more European unity, more responsible European unity.” 路透社)


  爱尔兰和葡萄牙陷入债务危机,特里谢称:“欧洲各国需要更团结和更负责”。(“We need more European unity, more responsible European unity.” 路透社)


  11月8日接受采访时,朔伊布勒说:“美国先是责备中国操纵汇率,然后自己又通过印钱来压低美元汇率。这是前后不一致。”(“It's inconsistent for the Americans to accuse the Chinese of manipulating exchange rates and then to artificially depress the dollar exchange rate by printing money.” 德《明镜》)


  11月8日接受采访时,朔伊布勒说:“美国先是责备中国操纵汇率,然后自己又通过印钱来压低美元汇率。这是前后不一致。”(“It's inconsistent for the Americans to accuse the Chinese of manipulating exchange rates and then to artificially depress the dollar exchange rate by printing money.” 德《明镜》)


  “周小川建议筑一个池,根据情况来圈住 和放出热钱。”(“Zhou proposed establishing a "pool" that could help lock and release capital as required.” 路透社)


  “容克说,爱尔兰和葡萄牙的情况有‘较大的不同’,而且市场上有‘太多的谣言’在削弱信心。”(“Juncker said there are‘major differences’ between the Irish and Portuguese situations and that there are ‘too many rumors’ in the market eroding confidence.” 美《彭博商业周刊》)


  “容克说,爱尔兰和葡萄牙的情况有‘较大的不同’,而且市场上有‘太多的谣言’在削弱信心。”(“Juncker said there are‘major differences’ between the Irish and Portuguese situations and that there are ‘too many rumors’ in the market eroding confidence.” 美《彭博商业周刊》)




  来避险,如今有信心投资其他货币。”(“He attributed the dollar's recent decline to a reversal of “safe haven” capital flows, as investors who had sought safety in dollar-denominated assets

  felt confident enough to move back into other currencies.” 英《金融时报》)


  针对热钱涌入亚洲的趋势,“卡恩说,为阻止危机发生,各国需采取一系列措施,包括降低利率、积累外汇储备、紧缩财政政策,某些情况下要进行资本管制。”(“Mr.Strauss-Kahn said that in order to prevent a future crisis, countries have a number of policy options, including lower interest rates, reserves accumulation, tighter fiscal policy and, in some cases, capital controls.”《华尔街日报》)


  针对热钱涌入亚洲的趋势,“卡恩说,为阻止危机发生,各国需采取一系列措施,包括降低利率、积累外汇储备、紧缩财政政策,某些情况下要进行资本管制。”(“Mr.Strauss-Kahn said that in order to prevent a future crisis, countries have a number of policy options, including lower interest rates, reserves accumulation, tighter fiscal policy and, in some cases, capital controls.”《华尔街日报》)





  (“South Korea should seize its chance to becomea leader in the diplomatic arena by capitalizing on its successful staging of the G20 summit, President Lee Myung-bak said.” 路透社)




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